
Repair MongoDB service fail to start

Repair MongoDB service fail to start  In certain time, MongoDB service fail to start due to certain reason like not enough storage space and MongoDB service force to shut down improperly. You have to repair Mongodb in order for it to start properly.  Here are steps to repair MongoDB: 1. Run windows command prompt with Administrator  2. In command prompt, go to mongodb path such as \MongoDB_Entreprise_for_Sage_Syracuse\MongoDB-2008R2Plus-x86_64-Enterprise-3.0.2\bin 3. Then enter command below and press Enter key mongod --dbpath D:\Sage\SafeX3\MongoDB_Entreprise_for_Sage_Syracuse\data –repair 4.  Once done, then you can try to start MongoDB service at service.msc

Sage X3 - Add a new custom field in Journal Entry

Add a new custom field in Journal Entry This is to show  how you can add a new c u stom field in journal entry.  Add new field in GACCENTRTYD table.  Add this new field to screens GACCENT2, GACCENTR1, GACCENTR3, GACCENTW as below. Save and click validation for those screen with validation button enabled.  GACCENT2 screen, (HAE2) GACCENTR1 screen, (XAE1) GACCENTR3 screen (HAE2)  GACCENTW screen (HAEW) Global Validation on the windows - OGAS & OGGSTD for the object GAS Go to  Journal Entry Transaction  (under Setup –> Financials –> Journal entry transactions). Make the changes and save the record as below. Logout & Login to test the changes.

Sage X3 - Remove Folder

Remove folder from Sage X3 Remove folder in Sage X3 folder. Go to Setup > General Parameters > Folders. Delete the unused folder. Manual remove all tables, views and sequences in SQL by r unning the queries below to get all the drop queries of tables, views and sequences. Select 'DROP VIEW ' + TABLE_SCHEMA + '.[' + TABLE_NAME+']' from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA in ('FOLDER') Select 'DROP TABLE ' + TABLE_SCHEMA + '.[' + TABLE_NAME+']' from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA in ('FOLDER') Select 'DROP SEQUENCE  ' + SEQUENCE_SCHEMA + '.[' + SEQUENCE_NAME+']' from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SEQUENCES WHERE SEQUENCE_SCHEMA in ('FOLDER') Execute Drop queries from VIEW, TABLE and SEQUENCE. Once done, run the queries below to remove user/schema/login. Drop Schema FOLDER Drop User FOLDER Drop User FOLDER_REPORT DROP LOGIN FO...

How to increase Journal Entry screen size in Sage X3

How to increase Journal Entry screen size in Sage X3  This is to show you how to increase the screen size in Sage X3 and apply the new screen size in entire application. Scenario:             Customer would like to import journal entry lines with more than default of 300 lines.                            Look at journal entry screen dictionary, there’s GAS activity code control the size of the grid. Jump to the GAS activity code from the screen dictionary, change the default screen size to for example 1000.  It will prompt this message. What you need to do is rerun the dictionary validation for ‘GAS’ activity code, to make sure this new size apply to all transactions. Go to Development > Utilities > Dictionary > Validations > Dictionary, select ‘Complete’, then ...

Sage X3 Send Customer Statement

Sage X3 Send Customer Statement This is to show you how to send customer statement to each of the customer individually. Scenario: Send email and attach customer statement to each of the customer by month end. Duplicate and create new report dictionary ZCUSSTA from existing CUSSTA, you may change the crystal report as you wish. Duplicate and create a new workflow ZCUSTSTA from existing APRINT workflow rule. Change condition RPTCOD to ZCUSSTA report code and mark it as Active. In Recipient tab, select Business partner and recipient value should be third report parameter from ZCUSSTA report dictionary, Business Partner Range. Define email in customer’s contact tab. Develop a window to allow customer search based on customer range, define statement date and able to send email with customer statement attachment to respective customer. In the script, loop existing customer list, and trigger SENDCUSTSTATMENT subprogram. SEND...

Sage X3 View + Query Tool

Sage X3 View + Query Tool This is to show you how to create a View in Sage X3, apply the view in graphical query tool, and displaying it via navigation menu or home page. Scenario: We want to create a query to display product category, product code, statistical group 1, product site, available stock quantities and reject stock quantities of each sites. Create a new Product Quantity View with query below: SELECT ITM.TCLCOD_0, ITM.ITMREF_0, ITM.ITMDES1_0, ITM.TSICOD_0, ITM. TSICOD_1, ITF.STOFCY_0, ITV.PHYSTO_0, ITV.REJSTO_0 FROM ITMMASTER ITM INNER JOIN ITMFACILIT ITF ON  ITF.ITMREF_0 = ITM.ITMREF_0 INNER JOIN ITMMVT ITV ON  ITV.ITMREF_0 = ITF.ITMREF_0 AND ITV.STOFCY_0 = ITF.STOFCY_0 Development > Data and parameters > Views, Query tab: Field tab: Keys tab: Create a second Miscellaneous table View for group 1 (20) with query below. This is to retrieve group 1 text from miscellaneous table. SELECT IDENT2_0, TEXTE_0...

Sage X3 - Add or customize report in X3

This is to show you how you can create a new or customize existing crystal report and link it to Sage X3. Here is taking Customer Invoice report as an example without changing any report parameters. First, You have to create a new report dictionary. Go to Development > Script Dictionary > Reports, select SBONFAC 'Customer Invoice' , rename it to ZSBONFAC. Change the Report name to ZSBONFAC also, this should same as your crystal report name. Once report dictionary created, you may add new print code for the report dictionary. Go to Setup > Destination > Print Code, create new print code for SBONFAC with new Print code = ZSBONFAC.  You need to create the default value for the new report, it will populate the default value before report is printed. Go to Setup > Destination > Default Values, duplicate SBONFAC and create new ZSBONFAC. Copy default values from SBONFAC to ZSBONFAC  for all the parameters. You may modify exi...