Sage X3 Send Customer Statement

Sage X3 Send Customer Statement

This is to show you how to send customer statement to each of the customer individually.

Send email and attach customer statement to each of the customer by month end.

Duplicate and create new report dictionary ZCUSSTA from existing CUSSTA, you may change the crystal report as you wish.

Duplicate and create a new workflow ZCUSTSTA from existing APRINT workflow rule.
Change condition RPTCOD to ZCUSSTA report code and mark it as Active.

In Recipient tab, select Business partner and recipient value should be third report parameter from ZCUSSTA report dictionary, Business Partner Range.

Define email in customer’s contact tab.

Develop a window to allow customer search based on customer range, define statement date and able to send email with customer statement attachment to respective customer.

In the script, loop existing customer list, and trigger SENDCUSTSTATMENT subprogram.

SENDCUSTSTATMENT Subprogram, trigger and pass in value to ETAT sub program from AIMP3 to trigger printing of ZCUSSTA report by each of the customer.

You may add entry point to change the subject, add extra email, etc before email is sending out.
Entry point: EMAIL
Standard script: AWRKMEL

Sample email received.


  1. Hi There, could you please provide the Window you created for this ass well?


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